We can all relate to the excitement of being invited to a party. Unfortunately, we can also relate to the hurt of not being included. There is an invitation like no other and that is the invitation of Christ. All are invited, but not all accept, and those that accept sometimes forget they said yes. You are invited to join me Saturday, January 29th, to examine this invitation and decide whether you are living the “YES” life. We will begin at 10:00 a.m. and conclude at 2:00. In addition to our study we will learn how to make a journal and enjoy lunch together. This is an introduction to a year long journey that you are invited to be a part of. You can attend the one day event without committing to the journey but you must attend the event to move forward with the journey. We will use “Hinds Feet on High Places” as an outline for the year long journey growing into our “Yes.” This group will meet twice monthly on Sunday afternoon with lots of interaction in-between. If you are looking for a “next step” in growing your relationship with the Lord; I believe this just might be for you. If you plan to attend I ask that you pray about a donation so that this ministry can continue to provide and make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
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