My friend Julie shared with me a visual she had of a vine bearing much fruit.  There was a problem though.  Everything was so grown up around and underneath that no one was able to partake of the fruit.

 The “everything” is anything that makes us unhealthy.  It’s the lies we believe, the offense we won’t give up, it is the lack of time we spend with God, it’s the jealously, the envy, it’s the pouting, it’s the control, it’s the faulty lens, the not taking care of ourselves and we could go on and on with this but it’s also the

B U S Y. . .

the busy that keeps us from mowing and repairing so that others can get to the fruit.  This isn’t like our lawn where we can hire someone to come by and take care of it for us.  We have to go through the hard work of clearing “everything”  ourselves.

“Everything” will prevent you from having close and intimate friends.  God will send an acquaintance and casual friend across your path to call out but unless you surrender the “everything” and begin the hard process of making way for close and intimate friends you will miss out on the sweetest fruit, that of sharing life with a friend.

What do we do when we encounter someone’s “everything”?  The best that we can do is come as close as the “everything” allows.  It is important to understand that it isn’t them that prevents us from coming in close, it’s the “everything.”  The “everything” can even prevent them from hearing what we are saying.  Don’t believe for one moment that this is hopeless.  God hears when we call out to Him on behalf of others and He can get through the “everything” that we can not.  So we cry out to God on their behalf and pray that God will help them see, and hear, and clear the “everything” that is keeping them separated and isolated.  How much they decide to clear will determine how close we will be able come.  

I am so proud of Saundra for sharing her story and going through the hard and painful process of clearing the “everything.”  She has cleared the path allowing her to have close and intimate relationships.  She shares in the video how you can too.  

I love taking bites of her fruit and others will enjoy taking bites of yours too, if you will surrender the “everything.”

R e S e t








The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits. Proverbs 3:17-18