Quitting Was An Option

Question:  Do you ever feel like quitting?

Us:  Sometimes

Question:  What makes quitting appealing?

Us:  It would be easier, less risky, doesn’t require anything, doesn’t require trust or vulnerability.

Question:  That sounds pretty appealing.  What prevents you from making that choice?

Us:  It is not the right choice.  We were made for more.  Quitting isn’t what Jesus died for.  We want to make every drop of blood He shed, every agony He suffered count in the life we live.  We are the chosen, appointed to do battle, set captives free, occupy the territory appointed to us, remove the enemy off our ground.  Quitting originates not from God but the enemy of our soul who knows when we quit it thwarts the purposes of God.  So, quitting really isn’t a choice …it is a temptation.  God doesn’t tempt.  God empowers.

“But in all these things we overwhelmingly Conquer through Him who loved us.”

Romans 8:37

May the love of God propel you forward to do great and mighty things in His name

Quit……Not a chance

R e s t    P r a y     R e S e t