All entertainers raise your hand. Ok, so I didn’t see all of you raise your hand. Truth is, we are all entertainers, of thoughts that is. We all keep, hold or maintain thoughts in our mind.
Pete and I enjoy entertaining people in our home. In fact, we do that a lot. When people come into our home, we have an expectation, even if it is not verbally stated. We expect people to be respectful of us and our belongings. In other words, we would count it disrespectful if our guest deliberately tracked mud into our home, demolished furniture, and got into a food fight in our kitchen. If our guest began to belittle and rail accusations at us, we would ask them to leave, certainly not allow them to go
on and on and on and on.
Allowing the behavior to continue would encourage abuse. We most assuredly would not continue to invite them into our home unless they changed their behavior. I am guessing you would concur with that decision.
T h o u g h t s
are guest
we invite into our mind.
Unfortunately, we continue to invite thoughts that track mud, destroy and wreak havoc. More often than we realize we aren’t even aware of what we are thinking. Stress, anger, worry, hopelessness; all start with a
d i s r e s p e c t f u l
thought. Why would I call it disrespectful? As a believer in Christ, you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). The mind of Christ honors God’s Word, believes God’s truths, and trusts in the future God has for them. If my thoughts are not lining up with that truth, they are disrepectful and should not be invited back. Self-destruction can stop right here, right now. No more invitations extended. Doors closed.
And those that come to my home uninvited….
They aren’t guest
They are thieves and robbers
And I don’t entertain them.
R e S e t Your Thoughts
This puts the uninvited guests ( thoughts), on notice…only CHRIST like thoughts are welcome here…and entertainment is only for the believers…this has blessed my Spirt…Thank to you and God Bless…
Kind of like “STINKIN THINKIN” !!! The enemy loves when we entertain those type of guest ( thoughts) into our mind !!! I redirect my thoughts with the mind of “CHRIST”!!! And maybe a piece of chocolate !!! LOL