Part I

     Walk in any garden center and what captures your attention?  It’s those Gerbera Daisy’s, right?  We are drawn to the big bloom, vibrant colored flowers.  They are those LOL, I am here to make you happy, take some joy, brighten your day flowers.

     I wonder if God’s intentions in creating these blooms of joy were to:

  1.  Teach us to be a lifter of heads, bring  joy, light the world.  I am placed here on planet earth on purpose for a purpose.  Psalm 9:2 puts that into perspective:  “I will jump for joy and shout in triumph as I sing your song and make music for the Most High God.” 
  2. Attract and deflect.  God puts the beauty of a flower, water in the wilderness and rivers in the desert so we declare before men how great is our God.  By our example we have the ability to cause others to want to taste and see that the Lord is good.

     So in the little things, the eating and drinking things, the all that we do things, could we do them all for His glory

creating a holy appetite

throughout the earth.  Surely if a Gerbera Daisy can do that, so can I.

ReSet and Attract